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When Science Meets the Real World: Covid, Climate Change, & the Challenge of Authority

Religious communities are sometimes deeply divided about the role of science and scientists in society. On the one hand, some Christian (and particularly white evangelical) churches are perceived as not taking COVID and climate change seriously, which manifests as vaccine resistance and disinterest in conservation efforts.  This can lead to tragic death and inaction in areas of urgency for the common good.

On the other hand, Christians with high levels of education and privilege are often accused of regarding their less educated religious compatriots with moral condescension or even outright contempt.  The perceived lack of intellectual humility has been connected to the censorship or even punishment of those who question scientific consensus. 

Join us as we partner with Chesterton House at Cornell to welcome two senior scholars, campus leaders, and thinkers at the nexus of faith and science. From their respective disciplines of ecology and molecular biology they have unique perspectives on how the ideological fractures mentioned above play out in the research world and in lay communities across the country.

Click here to register.

February 12

Artificial Intelligence: The Reach of Data

March 12

The Artist Under Threat: Facing Internal and External Dangers